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Year of Call – 1997
Lincolns Inn


LLB Honours, LDip Commercial Law (Birmingham University)


Criminal Defence Law
Terrorism and Murder

Practice Profile:

Tosh’s practice (now in its 23rd year), encompasses a wide spectrum of criminal defence  work, which includes, firearms, fraud, homicide, large scale drug importations, modern day slavery, sexual offences and  terrorism cases. Tosh has been involved in many high profile and lengthy cases, tried predominantly in the Midlands Courts.  More recently he finds himself instructed, to represent very young defendants charged with serious criminal offences.

Recent Cases

  • R v Ali:

    Client acquitted of violent disorder (11 defendant trial) after a 6 week trial;

  • R v Ballinger:

    (18 year old) tried for attempted murder, section 18 and violent disorder. The only defendant to be acquitted of all charges;

  • R v C:

    (16 year old) charged with rape;

  • R v Desai:

    Defendant and eleven others, charged with section 5 Terrorism Act offences, their preparation included an attack upon the London Stock Exchange;

  • R v Duffus:

    Client acquitted of sexually abusing his niece;

  • R v Fludgate:

    Client, a senior teacher at a local comprehensive school, acquitted of the rape and sexual assault of two pupils. 18 prosecution witnesses gave evidence during the three week trial;

  • R v Gibbs:

    Client acquitted of all firearms and blackmail charges;

  • R v H:

    (16 year old) acquitted of all firearms offences;

  • R v Hussain

    Client acquitted of rape;

  • R v Johal:

    Client acquitted, of armed robbery, of a local branch of the co-op bank where
    £130,000.00 was stolen;

  • R v Mason:

    Client acquitted of raping a sex worker;

  • R v Maybury:

    Lead defendant charged with importation of Class A drugs (“legal highs”);

  • R v T:

    Defendant, a mother who abandoned her newborn daughter behind shrubs in a public park, while suffering postnatal depression, avoided a prison sentence;

  • R v N:

    (17 year old) charged with perverting the course of justice (providing her family members with a false alibi in relation to a murder investigation), avoids a custodial sentence;

  • R v Parmer:

    Defendant charged with conspiracy to convert criminal property (part of a £33m cash case);

  • R v R:

    (15 year old) defendant charged with several Category 1A robbery offences;

  • R v Randhawa:

    Client charged with 6 others, with conspiracy to supply multi million pounds worth of class A drugs. Trial lasting 8 weeks resulted in an acquittal on the tried Count;

  • R v Salma:

    Client was acquitted on charges of section 38 Terrorism Act, in that she withheld information about her husband’s terrorist activities;

  • R v Scully:

    Client acquitted of, conspiracy to steal significant quantities of electrical goods;

  • R v Shazad:

    20 year old defendant pleaded guilty to murdering his mother, with an axe;

  • R v Singla:

    Defendant tried for money laundering offences (part of a £55m cash case);

  • R v Smit

    Client and five others, charged with conspiracy to import, upto five tonnes of class A drugs, with a reported street value of £1BN. After a 5 ½ month trial Mr Smit was only one of two men, to be acquitted of all charges.

  • R v Swali:

    Defendant charged with the murder of her own eight day old baby. Pleaded guilty to infanticide and received a probation order.