After a trial lasting more than three weeks, with a jury out for less than a day, Nigel Edwards KC leading Ranjit Lallie instructed by Shubhdeep Murria, Newton Law saw their client acquitted of 5 counts if rape, 1 count of serious assault and 1 count of possession of a bladed article. This was a…
Equity Chambers are delighted to welcome Timothy Raggatt KC as a new member of chambers. He is available to take instructions immediately in all areas of criminal law with a specialism in serious crime. Tim’s reputation proceeds him as one of the most recognised KC’s in the country. He brings a wealth of experience to…
Mr Sharma’s client, NZR, was alleged to have organised a plot to enter Downing Street and kill then Prime Minister, Theresa May. It was alleged that he had in his possession an improvised explosive device that he intended to detonate outside of No. 10 Downing Street, and had then planned to kill Theresa May in…
The Prosecution case against Mr Sharma’s client, SD, was that he was part of a joint enterprise shooting against a member of a rival gang in Bradford.
Mr Sharma’s client is alleged to have been a party to gross negligence manslaughter in relation to electrical wiring at a farm he owned and operated.
Mr Sharma’s client, JC, is charged with 4 others on the Indictment with Murder. The Prosecution allege that they all participated in a joint attack upon two males at a Coventry service station; causing the death of one male.
Chambers is proud to announce that Sanjeev Sharma has been recognised by Legal 500 as a Tier 1 Crime Junior in the Regional Bar category. The entry notes that ‘his client care is exceptional, his advocacy and preparation are outstanding, and his judgement and tactics are excellent ’
Samuel Newey was charged alongside two other men, accused of assisting his relative to prepare for acts of terrorism. Mr Singh had applied to dismiss the charges and argued that bringing the prosecution was an abuse of process. The Prosecution made the decision to drop the charges, providing the only explanation that there was no…
Mr Khattak’s client, KH, appeared at the magistrates court with two co-Accused. The Prosecution case was that KH had kicked the alleged victim in the shin area causing a serious fracture. KH was found Not Guilty of the charge after a two-day trial.
Miss Sidhu’s client, TB, was charged with domestic violence-related offences. The alleged victim was cross-examined at length. Following the close of the Prosecution case, Miss Sidhu successfully advanced a submission of no case to answer. The Court found the alleged victim’s evidence to be inherently weak and the appeal was allowed. All charges were dropped.